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Executive Healthcare

Leadership Coaching


Laurie Smith MSN, RN, NEA-BC, ACC

We believe in growing high trust leaders that inspire teams to thrive while getting results. 


We support healthcare executives to increase self and team leadership effectiveness and business performance all while improving the workplace environment.


Our goal is to support you and your teams to thrive by creating a roadmap for success through the guidance of certified executive coaches. 


About Laurie

Dedicated to Your Success

Today, healthcare executives and their teams face countless challenges, we provide a unique approach that not only guides clients through these obstacles, but also teaches them how to handle future hardship. We provide 1:1 and team coaching.  A focus on transformational and adaptive leadership, smart decision-making, and creative-problem solving ultimately lead to results driven performance improvement.


Laurie has over 25 years of healthcare leadership experience to include system level C-Suite.  She continues to work with teams nationally and globally.  Laurie is a certified coach through the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the gold standard for coaching certification, and is currently working toward her PhD in Organizational Psychology.


Services of Laurie Lee Leadership

Begin Today

Laurie Lee Leadership provides a variety of coaching services. Whether you’re looking for one-on-one coaching or coaching designed for a cohort or team, we have you covered. Take a look below to learn about our services.


Executive 1:1 Coaching

As a team of highly skilled leaders and executive coaches, we help you elevate your leadership skills by using proven coaching techniques and principles of neuroscience.  Together, we focus on uncovering your blind spots, leveraging your strengths and overcoming barriers.  We partner with you to bring out the best in your leadership and elevate your impact and influence.   Our current clients include CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CNOs and various physician, nurse, and healthcare leaders. 



Book a call today to learn more.


Team and Cohort Coaching

Our team coaching programs include:


  • 6-12 Months of curated coaching methodologies

  • Virtual and in-person coaching sessions

  • Access to our proprietary on-demand coaching center

  • Downloadable tools and resources

  • Team Leadership Assessment and Report

  • Small Learning Groups

  • SuccessNudges

  • Phone and email access to executive coaches


In addition to team coaching (please book a call to discuss a curated program for your team), we have multiple coaching cohorts designed to meet your specific needs.  Links to the programs are as follows:


CNE/CNO Leadership Coaching Cohort


VP/Director Leadership Coaching Cohort


Manager Leadership Coaching Cohort

Book a call today to discuss coaching options that best meet your needs.


What People Are Saying

Client 6


Creative Synergy

I did not know what to expect from executive coaching.  It was life changing.  Laurie made me feel comfortable in fully understanding the structured process, but also allowed for creative discovery of new awareness.  She helped me to optimize my strengths.  In addition, she walked me through the process of identifying my core values and how they relate to my overall professional strategic vision.  My partnership with her led to lasting performance improvement, without a doubt.  It was an investment well spent.

Client 4


Professional Guidance

Laurie was eager to listen, understand and provide thoughtful, probing questions. Throughout our time, she challenged me often and created the space for me to form new perspective. Laurie kept me accountable, disciplined and motivated towards my goals. Because of my time with Laurie, I was able to tap into a new leg of impact and growth that I likely would have ignored otherwise. She helped me work through the discomfort to see my vision and strategy through.

Client 1


Lasting Impact

I learned how to reflect on what I valued (money vs enjoyment, feeling challenged/engaged, etc), how to lean on my network, and set attainable behavioral goals as well as a larger aspirational goal. After achieving these goals, Laurie and I focused on how to best transition to this new job and manage work/life balance while keeping a new aspirational goal in mind but giving myself time to reflect and observe before setting a new goal.



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This white paper aims to empower you with specific knowledge and tools to drive business performance through increased efficiency and team interdependence.

This guide will provide actionable strategies and insights addressing the top pains healthcare executives face. In this guide, I break down five strategies to drive business performance through effective nursing leadership, plus four critical systems to reduce staff turnover and costs while improving patient satisfaction and hospital metrics.

Click here to download

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